Operatørkonferansen 2023

Solastranden Gård – Maskinhuset

15. november


Stand 1

Alfa Laval is a world leader in heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling, and is active in the areas of Energy, Marine, and Food & Water, offering its expertise, products, and service to a wide range of industries in some 100 countries. The company is committed to optimizing processes, creating responsible growth, and driving progress to support customers in achieving their business goals and sustainability targets.

Our technologies within heat transfer, centrifugal separation and fluid handling enable responsible use of natural resources​, reduced environmental impact on industrial processes, improved energy efficiency and heat recovery, better water treatment and reduced emissions. In other words, sustainability is at the core of our business.

Stand 2

BPT is an independent digital solutions, simulation and service company with unmatched production domain experts working on a wide range of new and established energy systems. We are world-class users of process and multiphase flow simulators, and among the specialties are compressor design, tie-ins and process safety as well as electrolysis and reactor dynamics applied within oil & gas as well as new green energy systems.


Stand 3

AME Offshore Solutions provides drilling, completions and decommissioning support services and equipment for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units between mudline and crown.

Our multi-disciplinary team understand all aspects of offshore MODU campaigns; and can provide complete project support, from the initial rig survey through to operations equipment and personnel.

Formed in 2002, AME offer a range of proprietary equipment that has been developed to integrate seamlessly with rig operations whilst improving safety and efficiency.

Go to www.amepl.com for more information on :-

  • AME Superbails  : The simplest solution to compensator lock-up
  • AME Colossus  : The in-line string compensator to improve MODU capability and solve ton-mile issues for active heave draw works systems
  • Tension Lift Frames : The modular solution to Pressure Control Equipment rig-up
  • AME Immobilis  : The gravity-based Wellhead Fatigue Mitigation System that can be efficiently deployed from any vessel


Stand 4

Marine Aluminium AS have been designing innovative and sustainable aluminium products for the offshore energy and maritime sector since 1953.  Marine Aluminium’s patented designs include:

  • SafeDeck – a passive fire protection helideck,
  • FlexiBarrier – railings and protection systems in lay-down areas
  • Hand rail and walkway systems

Our access solutions from helidecks to walkways, stairs, ladders, platforms, barriers, and handrails are proven in the field. To-date we have supplied over 600 helidecks and more than 100,000 meters of flexi barriers and handrails. We also offer kit assembly solutions allowing our helidecks and walkways to be assembled on site without the need for welding. Some of our offshore projects have been designed for a 50-year lifetime.

The aluminium constructions provide all the strength of steel at half the weight. Aluminium’s resistant properties mean there is minimal maintenance and incredibly long life. Marine aluminium does not need surface protection or painting. Over the life of the products there is significant saving when compared with other solutions and the material retains a high residual value. Aluminium is environmentally friendly and at end of life, it can be easily disassembled and recycled.

Stand 5

Reservoir Group’s Coring solutions are designed to increase efficiency and maintain recovery.

Reservoir Group’s worldwide team of experts has extensive experience in providing coring solutions onshore and offshore, around the globe, and in every major basin.

Combining our more than 70 years of knowledge, robust QHSE and QMS programs, and advanced technical coring systems, we offer a specialized approach to project planning.

Reservoir Group also provide drilling and well intervention tools, We partner with E&P operators and large services companies to provide services and solutions for drilling, completions, and production operations

Stand 6

IKM Elektro er en lenge anerkjent spesialist innen tungt roterende utstyr. En totalleverandør innen mekanisk ferdigstillelse og igangkjøring av elektromekaniske maskiner, Ex-utstyr, samt høy- og lavspentinstallasjoner.

Våre arbeidslag kan skaleres til små og store prosjekter og reiser verden rundt, både on- og offshore.

Vi har sertifisert verksted for produksjon og vedlikehold av Ex-utstyr, hvor våre prosjektledere, ingeniører og teknikere vil levere høyest mulig standard i alle ledd av prosessene våre.

Vil du besøke vårt hovedkontor og verksted så finner du oss rett ved flyplassen i Skvadronvegen 24, Sola.

Stand 7

Last Mile AS er Skandinavias ledende leverandør av kommunikasjons-, IoT og sikkerhetsløsninger for alle industrielle miljøer på land og til vanns. Selskapet leverer sine løsninger hovedsakelig gjennom autoriserte kompetansepartnere.

 Last Mile AS sine viktigste kundesegmenter er maritim sektor, vann og avløp, samferdsel, olje og gass, kraft og andre bransjer, som stiller de høyeste krav til kvalitet, stabilitet og sikkerhet.

Innenfor disse segmentene er mye av Norges kritiske infrastruktur og samfunnsfunksjoner som står ovenfor en rekke utfordringer innen sikkerhet og HMS. Last Mile AS har som hovedfokus å levere systemer og løsninger som ivaretar mennesker, liv og helse, viktige funksjoner og kritisk infrastruktur, samt drift, produksjon og tjenesteyting. Bortfall eller stans i produksjon og levering av kritisk infrastruktur og samfunnsviktige funksjoner vil påvirke oss mennesker, industrien og våre arbeidsplasser.

Last Mile AS har gjennom kompetansepartnere og systemintegratorer levert teknologi som løser segmentenes behov for sikkerhet og løpende overvåkning. En god infrastruktur er nødvendig for å oppnå vern av mennesker, drift, produksjon, tjeneste- produksjon og miljø. For å få en infrastruktur med høy oppetid er det viktig å gå i gjennom virksomhetens prosesser og krav til oppetid. Gjennomgangen vil avdekke eventuelle sårbarheter som finnes og hvilken konsekvens for stans eller redusert produksjon og tjenesteyting kan medføre.

Operatørkonferansen 2023

Solastranden Gård – Maskinhuset

15. november

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